Bala 2015

Started by Graham W, 17 Nov 2014, 21:17

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Graham W

Due to a possible cancellation by the Drascombe Association, an opportunity has arisen for a definitely not organised Swallow Boats rally at Bala on the weekend of 18/19 July, using the facilities of the Bala Sailing Club.  Charges (not to mention terms and conditions) may apply. 

I have a son getting married that weekend, so I probably won't be able to come ;D.  However, if some other non-organiser feels like stepping forward, please do so asap and I will let the DA know.  Otherwise, given that there is probably another non-organised Bala rally in September and there may not be much enthusiasm for an earlier one, I'll let it lapse on Wednesday 17th, when BSC have to be notified.
Gunter-rigged GRP BR20 No.59 'Turaco III'

Matthew P

Unfortunately I cannot be at Bala 18-19 July but I'll be sailing with family from the Bala town slipway this Saturday, 20th June. 

Of course more fortunate boats will be on the Teifi rally at Cardigan this weekend which should be a lot of fun, especially if the dolphins come out to play.

BR20 Gladys
"Hilda", CLC Northeast[er], home build, epoxy ply, balanced lug
Previously "Tarika", BR17, yard built, epoxy-ply, gunter rigged
and "Gladys" BR20, GRP, gunter

John Perry

Will have to decline 18/19 July (again a family wedding). After enthusiastically joining Ullswater this last weekend, the reality of Findhorn to Bala for a weekend was brought home. Best not count me in at the moment, unless I can come up with a ruse of a week's sailing in N. Wales with a mate...
Bay Raider Expedition 030, "Moireach"

Graham W

As there have been no takers for the July weekend, I have let the DA know that it is not for us.
Gunter-rigged GRP BR20 No.59 'Turaco III'


Sorry Graham

I think we will still be sorting the chaos of a house move in July. As Matthew says though - the Teifi rally will be taking place this coming W/E. So far I know of 8 boats that have registered.



Graham W

Looking forward to Teifi this weekend - the forecast looks pretty good.
Gunter-rigged GRP BR20 No.59 'Turaco III'

Matthew P

I'm a bit confused (nothing unusual then) about dates. When is the Bala Rally being held?

Is it 19-20 Sept?

Who might attend and where launching at Bala?

BR20 Gladys

"Hilda", CLC Northeast[er], home build, epoxy ply, balanced lug
Previously "Tarika", BR17, yard built, epoxy-ply, gunter rigged
and "Gladys" BR20, GRP, gunter


Good question Matthew

Originally scheduled for the last W/E in Sept. (27th / 27th) I think Graham felt unable to hold it then as it clashes with a big regatta at the boat club, and he was looking at the previous W/E (19/20) instead - but couldn't actually make that himself. I offered to not organise the W/E if it doesn't clash with daughter going to Uni - which I now see it does - ie 19th 20th is out for me too. I am happy to meet anyone who wants to on the lake on the originally scheduled date of 26/27th - based at the camp site at the SE end of the lake which has a good beach for launching (free!).

On the other hand if others wish to persevere with the 19th / 20th - I quite understand.

With apologies to Graham of I have got this wrong.


Gareth Rowlands
Gwennol Teifi S17

Graham W

Gareth is absolutely correct in every particular.
Gunter-rigged GRP BR20 No.59 'Turaco III'

Graham W

How about a sail on Lake Bala on Saturday 15th August, launching from the public slipway in the northernmost corner?  Absolutely no organisation, just sailing in company. I'll be there from about 9.30 am.
Gunter-rigged GRP BR20 No.59 'Turaco III'


Good idea Graham, but regret that I am committed here - daughter's 18th + visitors.


Gwennol Teifi S17

Graham W

A reminder and open invitation to come and sail on Bala this Saturday 15th.  The forecast looks fairly good.  I'll be at the public slipway from about 9.30.
Gunter-rigged GRP BR20 No.59 'Turaco III'

Matthew P

Gladys will join you this Saturday (15th Aug) at Bala public slipway, Graham

I'll be accompanied by Andrew (but he might jump ship I believe?) and Miles.   


BR20 Gladys
"Hilda", CLC Northeast[er], home build, epoxy ply, balanced lug
Previously "Tarika", BR17, yard built, epoxy-ply, gunter rigged
and "Gladys" BR20, GRP, gunter

Graham W

See you there!
Gunter-rigged GRP BR20 No.59 'Turaco III'

Graham W

An open invitation to come and sail on Lake Bala in a disorganised way this Thursday 3rd.  Now that the school holidays are nearly over the forecast looks fairly good.  I'll be at the public slipway (northernmost corner) from about 9.30 am.
Gunter-rigged GRP BR20 No.59 'Turaco III'
