Stainless Steel Boot For The Club Boom

Started by Peter Cockerton, 11 Apr 2015, 08:43

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Peter Cockerton

I normally leave the club boom attached to the rope loop when trailering and put several ties around the club boom, ropes and mast to keep everything tidy. Despite best efforts to put padding between stem head, and other stainless fixings the club boom still gets "beaten up" and ends up looking shabby at the end of the season. So I'm having a stainless boot for the club boom to cover the front end back to just past the deck cleat for the rope strop. I will make sure there are no sharp edges for the strop to Rub against before I use it.

Most of the damage seems to be on the sides of the club boom so some nicely made plates would suffice perhaps engraved with Swallow Boats lettering would be practical and look the part.


How easy it is to forget that my Bayraider is different to most others, my mast is moved forward to the trailering position unlike most BR's which stay pivoted on the tabernacle. I guess you still get rub marks though from the rope strop. The plates well done though would still be very effective.

Peter Cockerton
Bayraider 20 mk2
Larger jib set on bowsprit with AeroLuff spar
USA rig
Carbon Fibre main boom with sail stack pack
Epropulsion Spirit Plus Outboard

Graham W

This stainless anti-chafe product (mainly for gelcoat protection) looks interesting, on offer until the end of May As it's so thin, I doubt that it's strong enough to protect woodwork against anchor chain damage.
Gunter-rigged GRP BR20 No.59 'Turaco III'