9mm anti-torque cable for sale

Started by Graham W, 01 May 2015, 11:28

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Graham W

Made for a top-down spinnaker furler from 9mm anti-torque cable with thimbles at each end.   Total length from thimble eye to thimble eye is 5.17m after stretching.  Photo of one end below.

I read somewhere that the asymmetric spinnaker luff should be at least 105% of the length of the anti-torque cable.  For a standard 2010 BR20 asymmetric, the luff would be 106% and it may well be suitable for other asymmetrics and code zeros on other boats too.

The other important thing to measure is the clearance of the thimbles at the attachment points of your furler and swivel.  Because it was made from 9mm cable, it doesn't fit my Karver KSF1 properly and I have had to have a new one made with 8mm cable. My loss is your gain - it cost me £152 and I would accept £50 plus p&p. Unlike some of the other stuff that I have for sale, this one will fit in the post!

If you are interested, contact me by pm or (less reliably) by email: graham dot wickenden at btopenworld dot com.

Gunter-rigged GRP BR20 No.59 'Turaco III'

Graham W

Gunter-rigged GRP BR20 No.59 'Turaco III'