Tan Sails on BRe

Started by Tim Riley, 20 Aug 2015, 08:56

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Tim Riley

As some of you may know Ristie is in in the process of metamorphosing from a BR20 into a BRe. I was going to go for tan sails as before but Matt has put doubt into my mind as to how  they look with a bermudan rig. I gather there may be several out there but I have never seen a BRe with anything other than cream sails. So if you have one or a photo showing one please let me know.
Incidently old Ristie has gone to a very good home with Chris Smith who after sniffing round the swallow boat fleet at Sail Caledonia for the last few years and several sails with me has finally jumped ship from his Coaster to sample the performance of a Bayraider.
BRe Ristie II
Ovni 39 Acheron

Graham W

Not quite tan but definitely not white - Hirundo from down under.  Here's the link to the video https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZiR8tYTwA1I
Gunter-rigged GRP BR20 No.59 'Turaco III'

Peter Taylor

Not a BRe but a BC20... here's a photo of Seatern on her maiden sail (which is why the sails aren't set too well!!!).  I don't have other photos of her from a distance but on my Seatern blog there's various photos and videos with glimpses of the sails.

One problem with tan sails is that you can't see the jib tell tales through the sail as well as you can with light coloured sails.  It's also not so obvious when the jib luff breaks.  Still I'm glad I specified tan sails for Seatern what ever Matt says!

Peter Taylor
BayCruiser 20 "Seatern" (009)

Nicky R

There are pictures of our BRe with its tan sails on the Grafham Water Facebook page.
Bay Cruiser 23 #080 Sulis
Ex BRe #001 Grace

Graham W

I think the BRe with tan sails looks splendid and very distinctive.  What's the problem Tim?

Nicky, I have an alternative to your Cross of St George spinnaker.  Apparently before the Normans invaded, our national flag was a white dragon on a red background - see below.
Gunter-rigged GRP BR20 No.59 'Turaco III'