Just the thing for a cold and wet winters day :)

Started by david, 22 Dec 2016, 18:17

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I just came across this video. I think it's Rock Doctor. I hope you don't mind me sharing, it's a great video. Made me smile. Good to see the Bayraider and Ness yawl out for a sail. No engine, reefing, beaching, sailing off anchor, cool skills  8)
Looks like you had a good day out on the water.

Ex - BR 20 - Nomad

Andy Dingle

Thanks for the post David ..  I couldn't see the link to the video referred to!?  Is it me .....?

Happy Christmas!


Hi Andy,
             It's probably me  ;D fingers to big and not tech savvy  :) Try this.


Here is another nice one.

Ex - BR 20 - Nomad

Rock Doctor

yes that was me out on the Swan River. Paul Ricketts did the movie shooting and you should have a look at his other videos and stills on the OGA of Western Australia website.


And if you look deep into the blog you will see an item by Paul Ricketts and Peter Kovesi on the jaunt through Shark Bay last year. The video footage is well worth a look.

Good sailing.
Chris Robinson
BR20 "Gryphon"


Hi Chris,
                Yes I am a fan of Paul's videos and the "gaffrigsailinginwa.org" site. Lots of great sailing videos. I liked your videos I mentioned below also  ;D


Ex - BR 20 - Nomad