Warning to BR20 sailors; flooding of stowage compartments when

Started by Llafurio, 26 Jul 2017, 21:07

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Jonathan Stuart


Ex - BayCruiser 26 #11 "Bagpuss"
Ex - BayRaider Expedition #3 "Mallory"

Charles Scott

Thank you for that Matt. Do you also recommend the removal of the locker lid corners as suggested by others earlier? If so, how much do you need to take off. It seems a rather drastic modification, so I shall not do anything until I have your answer!
  Charles Scott-Knox-Gore.
  BR 20 no. 75 - Augusta Thomasina
Charles.  GRP Bayraider20 no. 75.  "Augusta Thomasina"

Matt Newland

Yes, cutting away the corners of the lockers is very important in shedding the water quickly. It is not quite the same issue as that to which Claus was referring, which is preventing water getting in when heeled for long periods. But when leveled, it makes a big difference to the speed with which the locker gutters drain.
Below are three photos which should help.
The best tool to use is a jig saw, with several new metal blades at the ready, as it will blunt them.
Once cut you can sand, and if you wish, paint the cut edge. Epoxy, polyester flow coat, or a decent paint can be used, but given they should not be permanently wet, there is no need other than aesthetic to do this.
Best wishes,

Charles Scott

Thank you Matt, I shall get on with it. Regards, Charles.
Charles.  GRP Bayraider20 no. 75.  "Augusta Thomasina"
