Lake District Meeting 2018

Started by Matthew P, 20 Dec 2017, 22:41

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Matthew P

Ideas please:

Where -  Ullswatter/Conniston/Windermere/other?  Possibly even Milford Haven too?

When - any particular weekend favoured or to be avoided after 22nd July?

Who - Let me know if you are interested, no commitment required. 

What - Informal meeting, sail in company, mix and match crews, do as you please,  maybe share a meal out on Saturday evening

How - If I have a rough idea of numbers, where and when I''ll investigate somewhere to meet and sail from.

Merry Christmas

Gladys BR20 (yes, Gladys)
"Hilda", CLC Northeast[er], home build, epoxy ply, balanced lug
Previously "Tarika", BR17, yard built, epoxy-ply, gunter rigged
and "Gladys" BR20, GRP, gunter


We could be up for a Lake District trip with camping, late summer. My wife and I, our Bre, tent on a decent campsite, any days any format.


Hi Matthew,

Bob, Kim and Escape are interested.

Suggest not Coniston as we did it last year. Not sure about Windermere as generally busy. Really enjoyed Ullswater year before last and we never made it all the way to the top? Bottom line don't mind.
End Jul and Aug looks clear but .....!

All the best,
BRe "Escape"


Hi Matthew,
Would love to sail Ullswater, but happy with either of the other lakes.
Milford Haven is very much a yes.
As for dates I've booked for the Mylor raid so any other time is good for me.
Next year is a year for sailing, done the building bit, done the boat modification bit, time to go afloat!
Thank you for starting this, happy Christmas, Tim (Papagena BRe064)
Tim Le Mare
BRe 064 Gaff Cutter Ketch

Graham W


I'm with Bob - Ullswater and late July/August.  I like the idea of Milford Haven too.  Thank you for taking on the non-organisation of this.
Gunter-rigged GRP BR20 No.59 'Turaco III'


If you are talking of Milford Haven how about Seafair Haven 23-30 June?
BRe "Escape"

Matthew P

Quote from: BobT on 23 Dec 2017, 01:15
If you are talking of Milford Haven how about Seafair Haven 23-30 June?

One reason I suggest late summer for the lake District is to avoid clashing with Sea Haven which from Tim's, Tony's and others' accounts is an event worth attending, even though you may encounter a pirate choir and the BBC.

In addition to Sea Haven (and the Lakes) a Swallow Yacht meeting at Milford haven is a great idea.  Scenery ranges from a massive oil tanker port to tranquil wooded rivers with castles.  Big tides with strong currents and the risk of being stuck on mud banks adds spice to the area.  Would anyone like to start a separate thread and "not organise" a Milford Haven meeting?
Meanwhile, any more takers for a Lake District meeting in late July/August/Sept?

BR20 Gladys (+Mystery and Dandy at Milford Haven)         
"Hilda", CLC Northeast[er], home build, epoxy ply, balanced lug
Previously "Tarika", BR17, yard built, epoxy-ply, gunter rigged
and "Gladys" BR20, GRP, gunter


Would also be up for tagging along, other summer logistics permitting, camping with my wife and 8yr old. Late July or late August onward should work. Any location, the quality of the campsite is probably a bigger factor in the sell!




Helen and I could be intereted in a W/E date in the Lakes late August. It is the Cardigan River and Food Festival on the 18th August - which we are heavily involved with. So after that.  Sept. even? We are attending Seafair Haven - a really good location for sailng but difficult to organise an event due to lack of waterside campsite.


Gareth Rowlands
Gwennol Teifi S17

Matthew P

Glenridding Sailing Centre (GSC) has kindly agreed to host our meeting on 11th - 12th August.

To avoid repetition of information that tends to get buried at the end of these strings, please see "Ullswater" in the Blog section.

GSC are providing parking, launching/recovery, changing rooms and a warm welcome for £65 Friday to Monday.  If you are attending then please let me know on this forum or messages and book yourself and boat directly with GSC at:

Martin at Glenridding Sailing & Activity Centre

Tel: 017684 82541

BR20 Gladys
"Hilda", CLC Northeast[er], home build, epoxy ply, balanced lug
Previously "Tarika", BR17, yard built, epoxy-ply, gunter rigged
and "Gladys" BR20, GRP, gunter


Murphy's law, my wife just booked a yoga week in Austria for that week, so no show from us, sorry. Next year....

Matthew P

Glenridding Sailing Centre (GSC) has kindly agreed to host our meeting on 11th - 12th August.

We will be sorry to miss you John, thanks for letting me know - enjoy the Austrian yoga. 

I'm repeating this post so that others can take note of the date. Could anyone who wishes to tell me whether they are coming or not do so by sending me a personal message so that general information on this post stays visible.   

To avoid repetition of information that tends to get buried at the end of these strings, please see "Ullswater" in the Blog section.

GSC are providing parking, launching/recovery, changing rooms and a warm welcome for £65 Friday to Monday.  If you are attending then please let me know on this forum or messages and book yourself and boat directly with GSC at:

Martin at Glenridding Sailing & Activity Centre

Tel: 017684 82541


BR20 Gladys
"Hilda", CLC Northeast[er], home build, epoxy ply, balanced lug
Previously "Tarika", BR17, yard built, epoxy-ply, gunter rigged
and "Gladys" BR20, GRP, gunter

John Perry

Hi Matthew and friends. Definitely interested and hoping to join-in. Currently, enjoying a beer in Florence and realising I have been behind the curve in this thread. Will discuss with my better half and try and fold Ullswater, 11th & 12th into the SMP (Summer Master Plan). Will follow-up soon
Bay Raider Expedition 030, "Moireach"

Matthew P

Hi John, We're very pleased you will be joining us again at Ullswater on 10th-12th August.

For everyone's information I am attempting to create an event but so far my Wordpress skills have not been up to the task  :-\, I'll keep trying.


BR20 Gladys
"Hilda", CLC Northeast[er], home build, epoxy ply, balanced lug
Previously "Tarika", BR17, yard built, epoxy-ply, gunter rigged
and "Gladys" BR20, GRP, gunter


Hi Matthew,
I think only Administrator (aka Johnathan) can create an event on this site.
BRe "Escape"