Hooked Leech

Started by Ged, 23 Nov 2018, 15:59

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Hi All
I've noticed recently that my main and mizzen develop quite a hook in the leech, does anybody have an suggestions as to what might be causing it?


Storm 17 'Peewit'

Graham W


This sort of thing seems to be more common with Dolphin Sails, which are usually made of a thinner fabric than Hyde Sails.  The latter also boast leech lines, which if (unwisely) pulled hard enough can produce similar sail shapes to yours.

As for remedy, more tension in the luff downhaul?
Gunter-rigged GRP BR20 'Turaco III'


Hi Graham,
I've had some input from elsewhere, does this make sense to you?

'I would say the mainsail leech tapers on the 3rd to 7th seams have been cut too tight. (Too much overlap between the panels) It also looks like you've at least one tight seam halfway up your mizzen'

Storm 17 'Peewit'

Graham W

It sounds like your adviser knows what they're talking about.  If they're right, I'm not at all sure how a sail loft would go about remedying it.
Gunter-rigged GRP BR20 'Turaco III'


I've just had a thought.
The yard has one straight side and the other has a double taper so it's wider in the middle.  I've never been able to work out why.  I tried it with the tapered side up against the mast, its fine for full sail but it sits awkwardly when reefed so I've been using  it with the flat side against the mast. I wonder whether the sail has been cut with the intention that the yard is raked slightly aft, it would free up the leech wouldnt it?

Does anybody else have a trapezoid shaped yard?
Storm 17 'Peewit'


Problem solved  :D
By turning the yard round it brings the top of the sail almost a foot further aft... no more hooked leech.

Storm 17 'Peewit'