Old man in a boat circumnavigates the globe

Started by david, 27 Mar 2019, 20:23

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Not sure if any interest. But, Webb is on the final leg of his circumnavigation, (I think this is 5th or 6th).
The web address to see his track is below.

Webb's plan
From Webb's journal.    Leaving out of Hilton Head he was 25,000 miles in to the circumnavigation.

      My route will be from Hilton Head Island outside the Bahamas through the Windward Passage at the east end of Cuba and then to Panama.  Trade winds from the Windward Passage on.

        I find it satisfying that the completion of this voyage can be seen in this GRIB (at top of the post, the GRIB being now over two weeks old).  I am increasingly inclined to sail from Panama directly to San Diego.  The final stretch hard on the wind should be less than a thousand miles.  It may not all be strong wind.  I will try to find an angle against it that is not too hard on a little boat and an old sailor.  And there is the possibility in winter of a low that will bring south wind.

Ex - BR 20 - Nomad


Thanks for that, I'd never heard of him, but there is fascinating reading in Cruising World and Yachting World articles about/by him.
I also downloaded a pdf of his book about his early drascombe lugger adventures from his website. That's the another weeks worth of cold winters evenings sorted! Looks also to be a great read.

Mark .


Webb is approaching the Windward Passage between Cuba and Haiti.  Looks like he will have contrary winds to get to the passage but once through he'll have the Tradewinds to carry him to Panama.

Check his track here.


Ex - BR 20 - Nomad