Transfer of ownership

Started by Johan Ellingsen, 05 Jul 2020, 16:54

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Johan Ellingsen

I am very happy to announce that my CBL "Lill-Freja" has found a new home.

She was a wonderful project, and kept me (moderately) sane during a fraught work/business time. I also very much enjoyed interacting with Matt, this competent, sympathetic and generally wonderful chap.

What went wrong? Maybe romanticism, of the boat-dreaming variety, and a total misread of my capacities as an "elderly yachtsman"; witness the number of times I actually fell off into the 'oggin, which led to my wife actally banning me from "getting on this boat". Fair enough.

What was right? Marvellous styling design, the admiration of all in the place you moor- like having your beautiful daughters admired.

Superb sailing qualities- so weatherly you won't need an engine unless in a flat calm or in the face of a heavy chop.

Happily, I kept my old heavy long- keeled Frances 26, she won't let me fall off her!

I wish the new owners much happy sailing!
CBL "Lill-Freja"

Paul Mullany

Me and Linda are the new owners.
Thanks Johan for coming out in the rain to hand over the boat. Hopefully we will launch on Tuesday and work out what pieces of string do what. I can't wait!