Sailing together in Germany / Gemeinsames Segeln in Deutschland

Started by Thomas Rahm, 18 Feb 2020, 18:20

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Thomas Rahm

Hello everybody,  unfortunately there are not many Swallows in the German-Dutch area.
Now I'm trying to find some owners in this area. It would be nice to plan a  meeting in Germany.
I am happy to receive reports.

Hallo Zusammen, leider gibt es im Deutsch Niederländischem Bereich noch nicht so viele Swallows.
Nun versuche ich herauszufinden wer wo ein Boot besitzt. Es wäre doch schön ein gemeinsames Treffen zu planen.
Ich freue mich über Rückmeldungen.

Best regards Thomas
BRe Düsseldorf
Thomas R  BRE 084 "well done"

Graham W


BayRaiders and Drascombes have often taken part in this informal raid, held in mid-September over the border in the Netherlands
Gunter-rigged GRP BR20 No.59 'Turaco III'


Quote from: Graham W on 18 Feb 2020, 21:44
BayRaiders and Drascombes have often taken part in this informal raid, held in mid-September over the border in the Netherlands
I stumbled across the raid by accident this year and was surprised to see a Swallow Yacht (Llafurio) between all other boats.
There aren't that many Swallows to be seen in The Netherlands so I started waving like an idiot. Either it scared the owner, or he was simply too busy because there was no reaction. I hope it was the latter.....
BC23 #54 "Riff Raff"


Hallo zusammen,
LuMi, BR 20, #39, und ich würden euch gerne auf dem Plöner See begrüßen.
Der Plöner See liegt im Herzen der holsteinischen Schweiz, einer herrlichen Seenplatte in Norddeutschland. Es erwartet Euch kristall klares Wasser, immer genug Wind, keine Tide,
kein Motor erlaubt aber sehr viele nette Leute sowie LuMi Crew ????????️

Wir freuen uns auf Euch!

Oder schreibt mir wo ich euch besuchen könnte?

Mit freundlichem Gruß aus Hamburg

Matthias, Luis(4) und Milo(2), Struck


Hello Thomas,
We live in Denmark(Kerteminde) and expect to get our new BC26 mid June (plus corona delay.)
We would be happy to participate in whatever may occur. Eg Ploen would be easy to reach.
Best regards/viele Gruesse
Christian Majgaard
Mobile +45 20308060

Thomas Rahm

Hello everybody,
thanks for reports  !
Any planning this year is very difficult. Maybe we can meet at Plöner See in 2021?
What are the options at Plöner See?
Mathias, Luis ,Mio,  you have your boat at Plöner See and can give hints?

Everyone a good and healthy year!
Thomas R  BRE 084 "well done"


On May 2nd I received a friendly text  message from a Ploener See couple including a nice photo of a Bay Rider.
Accidentally I happened to erase it, so just wanted to thank them through this forum.
It was in German, which I read well.
Best regards Viele Grüsse
Christian Majgaard
Kerteminde, Denmark
+45 20308060


We would be pleased to visit the Ploner See this summer. Let's see what is possible in the next few months.
We are flexible, we sail Swallows!
BRe #7 Anna
Noord Brabant (NL)



we have our BC23 at the Ammersee near Munich. So anyone who want to sail down here is welcome. Can help with best slipways and camping.
