Lifting keel DIY service

Started by PYoung, 13 Nov 2021, 18:01

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'Mist' BC23 is 10years old now and Im now in the process of making sure that major components are serviced and up to scratch.

I am quite a practical person and hoping to diy most things, but having never owned a boat before or diy'ed in the marine world I am never 100% confident on what I am doing is right.

I figured that the uphaul rope for the keel is due for a check. I have managed to get the table off and now got access to the keel.

Here's what I found. See pic.

It looks in quite good condition. However I did notice a little crack down the seam of the keel just where the rope enters.

Does this need attention? If so how easy is it to drop the keel and reinstate all of the routing?

Thoughts and ideas always gratefully appreciated.


Quote from: whitecaps on 13 Nov 2021, 18:01... Does this need attention? If so how easy is it to drop the keel and reinstate all of the routing? ...

Definitely needs attention and repair before it fails. That crack obviously has a cause. And there is also chafing visible on the uphaul rope, so that needs to be serviced too. A keel or centreboard that suddenly falls down at sea can do fatal structural damage to the boat, and is in any case a huge problem for retrieving the boat.
How you could repair that yourself? - I doubt it you can. IMO one or two stainless steel rods will have to be bolted perpendicular through the keel head (after injecting epoxy into the crack), and the uphaul rope should be replaced before the chafing progresses further. The problem is getting the keel head out of the keel case so you can work on it from the sides. Certainly not a job you can do without help.
Ex various Drascombes, ex SeaRaider (WE) #1 "Craic", ex BR20 (GRE) "Llafurio", ex BR20 (GRP) "Tipsy", currently BRE (modified for open sea passages) "Homer", Drascombe Drifter "27". Homeport: Rossdohan


Ok. That doesn't sound too good, but I am glad to have found before I launch next year!

So from what you are saying it isn't a repair I can do at home. Is this due to the removal of the keel requiring a lift and block?

How much clearance does the keel need to enable it to be removed? Can this somehow be done off of the trailer with a bit of added ingenuity?

As far as repairing the keel, should I outsource this to a professional?



I have not done this on a BC23. It's been tough enough to do similar on my BRs and BRE with their lighter weight board.

: First check if you can lift the keel head up above the rim of the case at all. Problem there is the weight of the keel head, and whether you can get a grip on the thing to pull it up. For pulling it up you need a pulley. You will have to disconnect the keel from the pivoting mechanism. You may have to shift the boat on the trailer to give the keel blade clearance.
Then, can you drill through the keel head? Do you have a threaded M6 or M8 stainless steel rod? Do you have to sink in the nuts to make the head cheeks flush? Probably the uphaul rope is resined in. If so, you need to route out the resin to get at the knot. Do you have the tools for all that? Do you have the suitable rope quality at hand to replace the uphaul rope?

-I am outside UK, away from a yard, so I would have to find a way to DIM. But then I am an engineer and have my own workshop. But for you it may be easier and safer to let SwY do it for you. My recommendation.

Ex various Drascombes, ex SeaRaider (WE) #1 "Craic", ex BR20 (GRE) "Llafurio", ex BR20 (GRP) "Tipsy", currently BRE (modified for open sea passages) "Homer", Drascombe Drifter "27". Homeport: Rossdohan


Thanks Llafurio

So you have to lift the keel up and out of the keel box as opposed to dropping it out of the bottom?

I was hoping I could drop it out of the bottom as I have a bit of a pit underneath the boat in line with the keel that I was hoping would provide enough clearance to remove it.

TBH I would probably look for a closer solution for the repair than Swallow as I am based in the South East of England.

Can anyone recommend anyone to fix my keel? ideally in the South East.


Julian Merson

Ok, I'm absolutely no expert but, on balance, the strop doesn't look in bad condition and the crack looks repairable with a bit of paring back and then filling with epoxy.  Then see how it goes.  If the crack reappears and/or the strop decays further to the point where it looks on its way out, that would be the time for more invasive surgery.  Ideally, it would always be handy to remove things/take it all apart - but surely there's a balance to be struck here.
Deben Lugger 'Daisy IV'

Ex BC20 'Daisy III'.
Ex Drascombe Coaster 'Daisy II'
Ex Devon Lugger 'Daisy'


Quote from: whitecaps on 14 Nov 2021, 15:09...
So you have to lift the keel up and out of the keel box as opposed to dropping it out of the bottom? ...

No. Up, or down out of the bottom. Your boat, your decision. Good luck.
Ex various Drascombes, ex SeaRaider (WE) #1 "Craic", ex BR20 (GRE) "Llafurio", ex BR20 (GRP) "Tipsy", currently BRE (modified for open sea passages) "Homer", Drascombe Drifter "27". Homeport: Rossdohan


I have less experience than the least experienced person here, so I am all ears!

I would love to know how the whole keel system works, so taking apart and putting back together might prove a valuable experiment in knowing the mechanics of the boat. I'm always intrigued with hidden mechanisms, my fingers start to twitch.

I had a similar stress crack on the rudder where the uphaul knot enters. I was advised by swallow to reamer out the crack and epoxy the repair. I did that and after a season of sailing all seems well so far and no cracks reappearing.

It would be great to hear if any other BC23 have successfully removed their keels and how they have achieved it (diy).


Quote from: whitecaps on 14 Nov 2021, 19:10
I have less experience than the least experienced person here

Oh, no you don't!

Graham W


Don't be giving me an inflated ego Jonno it will get me into a lot of trouble!! ;)