BR20 for sale. NOW SOLD

Started by Johnd, 11 Oct 2021, 22:21

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We have decided to sell our beloved BR20, Kelpie, in the hope of moving up to a BC23.  Kelpie was built winter 2009/10, no.40 and is in excellent condition, black topsides, white under, dry sailed off a swinging trailer (with hitch lock). Working sail, carbon mast, spray hood, 2.5Hp 4 stroke Yamaha, oars and thwart, anchor (plus chain and anchor plait), assorted fenders and warps, mooring stake and mallet, tool box with outboard spares.  The mainsail head has been modified to allow the yard to clear the mizzen when lowered or reefing. Topping lifts for the main and jib booms. There are lips added to the after two fender lockers for keeping sail ties etc. tidy.  A Cunningham has been fitted.  An anchor chain box is shaped to slide forward under the infill. Mast down overall cover.   Price £12,000.  Many more pictures of details available separately to avoid clogging up the post! Lying south coast.