Bayraider 20 in Australia or New Zealand?

Started by MarkDarley, 14 Oct 2021, 12:16

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In my effort to bring a Bayraider 20 to Northern California I am now considering shipping one from the UK. 

However it may be less expensive to ship one from Australia or New Zealand to California.

If anyone in the Antipodes is considering parting with their Denman built Bayraider, please contact me with a private message or via Markdarley"at"

Thanks, Mark
Mark Darley,
Baycruiser 23, "Foxwhelp" in UK
GRP Swallow Bayraider 20 "Kelpie" in Northern California.


Scratched this idea due to shipping costs which are surprisingly even more expensive from the Antipodes across the Pacific to California, than shipping one from the UK to California which was also 3 times the cost of what it was 7 years ago!

"Kelpie" has moved from the Beaulieu River to Tomales Bay in Northern California. Thank you Peters &May shipping agents, and Lara and Matt for putting me in touch with them.
Mark Darley,
Baycruiser 23, "Foxwhelp" in UK
GRP Swallow Bayraider 20 "Kelpie" in Northern California.

Sea Simon


I recall one of my old bosses saying (many years ago) that coal from Vancouver could be landed in Japan at approaching half the cost of that from Australia, despite the distances shipped being almost the same and the appalling weather on the N Pacific route in winter. He said that this was primarily due to Australian labour costs/practices.

We certainly prefferred the N-S run! N Pacific weather is the worst I've ever seen.
...and sure enough we eventually spent 5 weeks stuck in a dockers strike in Newcastle, Oz, so not all bad...for us!

Has Kelpie gone by box? All by sea, or sea>land?
BRe # 52 - "Two Sisters"  2016. Plank sprit, conventional jib. Asym spinn. Coppercoat. Honda 5. SOLD Nov 2022....
...From Oct 22.
BC 26 #1001. "Two Sisters 2", 2013. Alloy spars, Bermudan Sloop; fixed twin spade rudders, Beta diesel saildrive. Lift keel with lead bulb. Coppercoat. Cornwall UK.


"Kelpie" came roll on/ roll off at the shippers and Matt's suggestion. She came Southampton to Port Hueneme in Southern California, due to delays and costs of more northerly ports, on her own "cradle" which happened to have wheels.  All went well.  (If you are planning on shipping a used boat over from the UK to the US, feel free to contact me for detailed info and advice. )
I shipped a Salterns Tela in a 20ft container 9 years ago for half the price of current roll on/roll off.

Kelpie seems to enjoy the winter sunshine of Northern California. On Monday we drifted north on the ebb up Tomales Bay in early morning sunshine. In the afternoon she was not at all inconvenienced by a beat to windward in wind against tide chop, with 20 gusting 28 knots. Water ballast and double reef made it comfortable.
Great little boats!
Mark Darley,
Baycruiser 23, "Foxwhelp" in UK
GRP Swallow Bayraider 20 "Kelpie" in Northern California.