Hello from Maine, USA

Started by Clint Chase, 12 Jun 2010, 19:14

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Clint Chase

Hi everyone. I am in Maine and have been a Swallowboats appreciator for some time. You'll see me chime in from time to time. I don't see many US folks on the Forum. I'll be curious about the interest level in the boats from the US and which boats are the most interesting here. The boat that first attracted me was the BR20, which I saw in my first intro to Watercraft. I thought it was striking!

Now, I am awfully interested in the Searaider. It simply looks fast and downright fun to sail with a crack crew. We have an event called the Small Reach Regatta -- not a Raid, more of an all-day, multi-day messabout consisting of 60+ sail-and-oar boats. The SR would pretty well spank everyone there. Would be fun to build the first one in the US and do just that. I can see this boat pulling in weekend warriors and folks outside the circle of wooden boat fanatics. We need to pull in the 20- and 30- somethings who hit rock walls, do adventure mtn. bike racing, etc, etc. and get them in a boat that would make them scream.

Anyway, just thought I'd say hello. I am located in Portland, Maine, do a lot of sailing and rowing, and quite a bit of boatbuilding. See you around in some threads from time to time.


Clint Chase

I get a strange message everytime I click on something:

"Safari support is very limited...." and so on.

It says to turn it off by setting safari_warning to false in settings. I can't figure it out. Any suggestions.



Hi Clint,

The SeaRaider is pure sports, creature comforts had no priority. But to get
a full crew (4) into screaming mode you'll need good wind too, F4 and up and up. In any case, a SR will sail rings around other peer size raidboats.
You should speak with Matt Newland directly about plans for building a SR in the U.S. .

Sorry about the forum software here, we have the same problems as you, only for a longer time than you. No search feature, private messages disappearing, the thing has bugs galore. But never mind, we're here for the boats, and they do work fine.

Clint Chase

I have spoken to Matt and will continue to do so. The big question is how many Searaiders might be 'wanted' here in Maine or the US. The big thing will be to 'campaign' a boat and that is something I'd love to be involved in. The Searaider -- you say it exactly right, a sports boat -- is the kind of boat that just might draw in the adventure seeking, Outside-magazine reading 20- and 30- somethings that are always on the hunt for something new.
