Cornish Crabbers receivership

Started by Nigel Baker, 11 Mar 2024, 21:27

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Nigel Baker

I learned today from the chap who bought my Crabber 22 last summer that it is being reported that Cornish Crabbers has called in receivers/administrators. Peter Thomas, their managing director, bought the company out of receivership when it last failed, which I think was around 2008. I ordered my Crabber 22 in 2010 and by then they were already in full production again. In the last couple of years they moved from their premises at Rock to an industrial estate in Wadebridge, and a smaller facility down on the Camel banks. I visited that in May and all seemed well with various Shrimpers in build. They have produced many good boats over the years but all their models had become enormously expensive. It is very sad news for the boat building industry and especially for their skilled labour force.
I do have to say however that when I visited them last May about putting my Crabber 22 on brokerage, and potentially buying another boat that they had on brokerage,  they seemed so disinterested that I advertised my 22 privately and sold it within a week. I felt they had become a little complacent. But sad news.

Nigel Baker

To be precise, MarineBusinessNews has reported that Peter Thomas has called a meeting of creditors to discuss the winding up of the partnership, and this would include the appointment of a liquidator by their creditors.

The Lazy Sheet

Very sad if they go under - lovely boats.
BRe 001: Susannah (formerly Grace). Asymmetric, 6Hp, Jeckell's Rather Excellent Cockpit Tent

Nicky R

It is very sad. I was brought up sailing them, as my parents worked their way up from a shrimper, to a crabber (very cramped for the 5 of us in my teenage years), finally ending up with a pilot cutter. (Sadly that's now up for sail as my parents are too old for it and it's too big for us and we don't want a boat that has to be based in one place.) Whilst Crabbers are not what I'd want now, it was that background plus spending my 20's and 30's racing  high performance dinghies, that made swallows a perfect boat for us. I really hope that they are able to carry on.
Bay Cruiser 23 #080 Sulis
Ex BRe #001 Grace

Sea Simon

BRe # 52 - "Two Sisters"  2016. Plank sprit, conventional jib. Asym spinn. Coppercoat. Honda 5. SOLD Nov 2022....
...From Oct 22.
BC 26 #1001. "Two Sisters 2", 2013. Alloy spars, Bermudan Sloop; fixed twin spade rudders, Beta diesel saildrive. Lift keel with lead bulb. Coppercoat. Cornwall UK.

Sea Simon

More info here, on the owners forum (hosted/operated by builders. Legacy issues?).
...and perhaps some food for thought?
BRe # 52 - "Two Sisters"  2016. Plank sprit, conventional jib. Asym spinn. Coppercoat. Honda 5. SOLD Nov 2022....
...From Oct 22.
BC 26 #1001. "Two Sisters 2", 2013. Alloy spars, Bermudan Sloop; fixed twin spade rudders, Beta diesel saildrive. Lift keel with lead bulb. Coppercoat. Cornwall UK.

Sea Simon

What a shame, how sad.

"IMPORTANT Cornish Crabbers Club News

Hi Folks,

Unfortunately I have some very bad news regarding the Crabbers Club Ning site and forum ( )
Following on from Cornish Crabbers going into voluntary liquidation it is most likley that the whole of our Ning site will disappear in a very few days. Our site was owned and inextricably linked to CC LLP. The CC LLP site has already closed and ours is due to follow.

On a positive note our Cornish Crabbers Club website ( ) will continue for the foreseeable future,"
BRe # 52 - "Two Sisters"  2016. Plank sprit, conventional jib. Asym spinn. Coppercoat. Honda 5. SOLD Nov 2022....
...From Oct 22.
BC 26 #1001. "Two Sisters 2", 2013. Alloy spars, Bermudan Sloop; fixed twin spade rudders, Beta diesel saildrive. Lift keel with lead bulb. Coppercoat. Cornwall UK.

Sea Simon

As expected, Crabbers are to live on.

"Hi Folks! Some super news!
The assets of CCLLP have been purchased by an enthusiastic owner who is in the process of starting a new company CC.LTD.
What this means in reality is at this time unknown, but we look forward to seeing developments in due course.

The new owner is no stranger to Cornish Crabbers, he has owned more than one of each shrimper / crabber variant.

We wish the new owner well on this venture
Long Live Cornish Crabbers!"

Above quote from Crabbers owners forum.
BRe # 52 - "Two Sisters"  2016. Plank sprit, conventional jib. Asym spinn. Coppercoat. Honda 5. SOLD Nov 2022....
...From Oct 22.
BC 26 #1001. "Two Sisters 2", 2013. Alloy spars, Bermudan Sloop; fixed twin spade rudders, Beta diesel saildrive. Lift keel with lead bulb. Coppercoat. Cornwall UK.