BC23 2:1 jib handling

Started by Gavin Y, 08 Aug 2024, 13:22

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Gavin Y

Hi All,

I took the option of the 2:1 rig with the jib sheets in order to make things a little easier for the crew. However, I increasingly seem to be suffering from the job sheets snagging on the eye at the bottom of the mast as I tack. At first it was bearable, but now it is becoming more irritating. I'm starting to consider just going back to a normal set up, but just wondered if any other folk have had this issue and found a way to avoid it. It's highly likely that my poor sailing technique is a major contributory factor and that will be a more long term fix, but any ideas appreciated. Thanks.

Nicky R

We have a single jib sheet rather than the two to one, but find that gets caught on the mast fittings too sometimes. We've not solved it on this boat, but my parents had similar issues on their Cornish crabber and used a length of canvas wrapped around the bottom of the mast to stop it happening. From what I remember it worked well, and we keep meaning to try something similar on Sulis.
Bay Cruiser 23 #080 Sulis
Ex BRe #001 Grace

Graham W

For larger yachts with this problem, there are pieces of plastic hardware called cleat boots, which temporarily enclose either end of the offending cleat and are held together by elastic https://www.seamarknunn.com/acatalog/cleat-boot-2266.html.  It ought to be possible to fashion out of wood something much smaller that would fit over the eye at the foot of the mast and shrug off the sheets.  Now that you have the 2:1 fitted, it seems a pity to give it up.
Gunter-rigged GRP BR20 #59 Turaco III


Hi Garvin,
I have a simple sollution for this problem. Its difficult for me to explain.
Perhaps the picture helps.
I have a small strap tensioned from the eye at the mast to a smal strip (white) which I have tensioned between the the fittings of the hatch.
Kind regards Jan

Gavin Y

Thank you for your replies. I found this strap on Amazon which should be able to guide the jib blocks and sheets past the eye and prevent snagging. Will let you know if sea trials don't go well.