Storm 15 build - Low Bentham

Started by Steve Joyce, 30 Jul 2011, 22:00

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Clem Freeman

That looks really good, something to be proud of. I do like the colour co-ordinated wheel arch covers.

Steve Joyce

Quote from: Clem Freeman on 13 Nov 2011, 11:51I do like the colour co-ordinated wheel arch covers.
The wheel covers weren't planned,  I don't really do co-ordinated normally.
Hope the 17 is coming on well.  Spring launch?
Storm 15 "Robin"

Clem Freeman

Hopefully a spring launch, I got delayed as my wife seemed to prefer me getting the central heating boiler working first! (Had to move it as the flue was in the way of the solar panels we had fitted). All thats left is rubbing down and painting and making up the masts which I should be able to do over winter. As my sailing is tidal and the North Sea gets a bit cold theres no incentive to rush and finish until next year.

Did you get to launch Robin?


Steve Joyce

We just gave Robin his/her maiden voyage today.  Many thanks to Craven Sailing club for helping us get afloat.  We had intended to have a go after the days sailing but thick mist and hardly any wind had done for the sailing contest.  Fortunately the mist cleared a little and there was enough of a breeze to give Robin a try out.  One of the club members sailed along with us in his 420, in case we sprung a leak or sprung apart,  neither of which happened, I gratefully report.  The conditions were pretty much perfect for my wife who has never sailed before,  and despite initial trepidation,  did enjoy it.  The only mishap was on the way back home when the damn tailboard fell off one side of the trailer,  only cosmetic damage but Drat! all the same.
Despite this being my 1st sailing trip in about 25 years,  it all felt very natural and I was surprised how quickly she (ok its a she),  responded to the tiller.
Managed to test out the rowing too,  as the wind totally died when trying to get back to the slip.
It has been a very gratifying experience building my own boat,  and if I ever do it again (2 hopes,  Bob Hope and no hope),  it will be another Swallow boat.
Hope all of the other builders have the same enjoyment that I have had.
Storm 15 "Robin"