S17 builders help/advice please

Started by Clem Freeman, 28 May 2011, 10:44

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Clem Freeman

How did you reach to tape up the join along the keel line on the inside of the hull? My reach is not enough if the hull is sitting level and I've tried tipping it as much as I can but still can't reach. Any ideas?

Chris Capener

Quote from: Clem Freeman on 28 May 2011, 10:44
How did you reach to tape up the join along the keel line on the inside of the hull? My reach is not enough if the hull is sitting level and I've tried tipping it as much as I can but still can't reach. Any ideas?

Sorry I am lucky in that I could just about reach - I wanted to reply though to reassure you that your message was read and I would have helped if I could. I suppose that you can put the resin on OK with a long enough brush so I expect the hardest thing is positioning the tape? How about cutting the tape longer than need be and using the extension to wrap up vertically on the face of the foreward bulkhead starting from a point that you can reach OK. You could temporarily  anchor it  by lapping it over the  f'ward hatch opening and closing a bulldog clip or similar over it . Once you stipple a short length of the  tape to the resin on the hull it will stay in place. Maybe you could wrap the tape on a paint roller and unwind it as you stipple, ie brush in one hand and roller in the other? This idea is just from imagination and not at all proven in practice. Good Luck let me know how you get on!


Clem Freeman

Chris, thanks for replying. I managed to reach to put the resin on then using a board across the gunwales to lean on I could put the tape on and stipple it down. As you suggested I used excess tape and trimmed it off after.