Storm 15 Sail handling afloat

Started by Terry Cross, 15 Aug 2011, 19:23

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Terry Cross

With "IONA" we have always rigged and launched from the beach or slipway without problems.   This year, holidaying in Portland I used a pontoon berth in the marina which meant motoring out and raising the sails at sea. (The first week single-handed)
           The " Harbour furl" recommended by Claus, may be ideal on a Bayraider but try it single handed on a 15ft rolling dinghy and you will end up swimming.
A single line drum system had been fitted to furl the jib,com_smf/Itemid,52/expv,0/topic,213.0
   What was needed was a system that would:
- Be relatively easy to use.
- Stack neatly as any exposed sail would add to windage and make docking more difficult
- Leave the cockpit clear
- Be able to reef at sea.
- Be able to steer whilst working at the mast.
I believe all the above have been achieved, although the last two will require a bit more practice.

First the sprit was made captive to the mast by attaching a shock cord tie through a lacing eye.
Fitting a topping lift came next
A crutch, to carry the lowered yard, had all ready been fitted on the rudder.

The mainsail was raised as normal.
To stack, the yard was lowered into the crutch, the topping lift was set to support the sprit at about 100mm (4") below the yard and the downhaul was released (from the foot of the mast)
Working from the "sprit side" the two draping triangles of sail were rolled and "posted" into the slot between the yard and the sprit and sail ties attached.

With the motor on slow speed it is possible to keep head to wind by using the yard as a tiller (remembering it works the opposite way round)

Reefing can be achieved in this position but I found it easier, when single-handed, to lower the end of the yard onto the aft deck.
Remember to re-locate the main halyard on the yard

  Terry Cross "IONA"

Paul Cross

Photos for the above post......^^^^^^^