Lake Bala Rally 15/16 June

Started by Graham W, 10 Mar 2013, 19:17

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Graham W


Welcome to the rally. There's no more room for sleeping aboard on the pontoon but I'm sure there is plenty of space at the next door campsite

I feel like a novice at the start of every season. See you in Scotland.
Gunter-rigged GRP BR20 No.59 'Turaco III'

Reg Barker

Will I be able to leave my boat at BSC on its trailer while I camp at the local campsite or can one launch directly from the campsite? Sorry I expect you have covered this, but there's a lot to read through on this Bala posting. 
BRe #11 Alice Amy

Graham W

Quote from: Reg Barker on 30 Apr 2013, 16:02
Will I be able to leave my boat at BSC on its trailer while I camp at the local campsite?

Yup. No launching from that campsite.  You could launch from a campsite at the other end of the lake but that's three miles away.
Gunter-rigged GRP BR20 No.59 'Turaco III'

Graham W

This is the weather that I am hoping for on Lake Bala next month - sunny with a moderate breeze from the SW.  The second photo shows the launching facilities and pontoon at the Bala Sailing Club, which we will be using.  Both photos were taken yesterday.

I have just bought an annual launching pass for the public slipway opposite the club.  At £35, a real bargain.
Gunter-rigged GRP BR20 No.59 'Turaco III'

Bill Rollo

Dear Graham

With apologies for late notice, is it too late to join the fleet at Bala?

Best wishes

Bill Rollo

BR20 Askari

Graham W


Not at all. Welcome!
Gunter-rigged GRP BR20 No.59 'Turaco III'

Bill Rollo


Great! Please count me in.



Camping at Lake Bala in June?

It's "No-See-Um" City!

They'll eat you alive if the wind drops. I'm taking a gallon of Avon "Skin So Soft". It's a good repellent, doesn't smell that bad and, in an emergency, can be used to waterproof your boots. ( not recommended for lighting the barbie, though).
Don't worry. I won't forget the beer. 

Tony:   CBL#1 "Four Sisters"

Graham W

I don't think it's as bad as parts of Scotland. I also recommend Smidge.
Gunter-rigged GRP BR20 No.59 'Turaco III'

Graham W

I will be posting an information sheet (including a possible programme of activities) in the next few days.  I can confidently predict that it will be informal and relaxed.
Gunter-rigged GRP BR20 No.59 'Turaco III'

Graham W

The info sheet is ready and has already been sent to those for whom I have valid email addresses.  If you would like to receive one, please let me know your email address by pm or, less reliably, through my junk email address graham wickenden at btopenworld com, with dots in all the usual places.
Gunter-rigged GRP BR20 No.59 'Turaco III'

Graham W

There may be forum members out there who would like to crew on a Swallow Boat but don't have one of their own yet.  Equally, there may be Swallow Boat owners who would like some extra crew.  I'm among the latter - I haven't managed to persuade anyone to come with me yet for the Saturday sail.  Evidently my Sail Caledonia Cap'n Bligh image has preceded me.  Anyone want to put some rowing practice in?

So if anyone would like to crew as part of a press gang, let me know and I will try to match you up with a willing skipper.

I attach a copy of the info sheet for anyone who hasn't yet received one but would like to take a look.
Gunter-rigged GRP BR20 No.59 'Turaco III'

Michael Rogers

I will be sailing Cavatina (Trouper 12, junk rig) solo at Bala. I'm used to sailing on my own, but needless to say (I hope), anyone who wants to come along and have a go will be most welcome. Others may prefer to admire (or otherwise) from a safe distance. She went superlatively on Saturday last, well reefed in F5-6.

Looking forward to it!

John & Isla Roberts

I thought I should mention something about the jetties opposite the clubhouse as I understand that some participants at the rally are intending mooring their boats to these overnight and possibly sleeping over. This will be fine as long as the weather stays good and the lake water level is no higher than it is today (1.37 m at Dee Bridge). If, however, we get some rain in the next few days, the lake level may be permitted to rise by the authorities in which case the jetty gangways and ends may become submerged. (Bala is used as a buffer reservoir and water is held back with a consequent rise in level after heavy rains in order not to flood the farmland downstream). Jetty 1 (the furthest north) can become completely submerged as it's fixed to the lake bottom. Jetties 2 & 3 have floating termini but the approach gangways are fixed and can get submerged.
We have been sailing our BR20 (#63) for 2 years on Bala and have come to rely on the EA's website for checking levels at the Dee bridge on the NE end of the lake. We prefer to launch from the jetties if possible. The weblink is at:

We were sailing yesterday (4/6) and the water level at Dee Bridge was 1.38 m. The jetties were just usable as you can see from the attached. You can see that Jetty 1 is pretty much submerged while Jetty 2 is useable.

Looking forward to seeing you all and I'd really welcome someone showing us how to fly our spinnaker.
John & Isla Roberts

Graham W

Thanks for the warning - I've e-mailed the pontoon sleepover people to have a look at your post.
Gunter-rigged GRP BR20 No.59 'Turaco III'
