Crab claw sail

Started by steve jones, 16 Jul 2013, 18:40

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steve jones

During an idilic week of sailing, Falmouth/Helford, I came across a fellow rigging  a Crab Claw sail to his dinghy.
  It was one of the most impressive rigs on a previously sloop rigged boat I have seen. It took him less than 15 mins. to rig despite my constant questions and  interruptions, I think it might have been a Wanderer dinghy as base.
I saw him sailing out in Carrick Roads, he was able to point quite high, and told me it was simplicity itself to reef. ( not necessary that week!).
Amongst the DCA sailors there was a junk rig on a home built Highland, nice job, I was hoping for a comparison but it wasn't to be.
  This chap will write an article for WATER CRAFT magazine about his CC rig based on his research, I for one am completely sold on the rig , and hope to try it on a old 60 year old 17footer that I doing up.

Steve Jones

BR17 Nona ME