Bay Raider Expedition 030. "Moireach" Launched

Started by John Perry, 01 Jul 2014, 17:04

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John Perry

Having lurked in the shadows of this forum for a few months, my new toy is finally delivered and I can 'come-out'! Last week saw pick-up from Matt at Gwbert and a drive to Moireach's new home in Findhorn, Morayshire. Launching was in light conditions (no bad thing) and we managed three short sails in Findhorn Bay this last weekend. Absolutely delighted! I am sure things will come to light, so I am looking forward to getting to know other folks here on the forum and hopefully at traveller's events.

Best regards from north Scotland,
John Perry
Bay Raider Expedition 030, "Moireach"

Jonathan Stuart


Congratulations on your new boat. You have made a great choice and I am sure you will have great fun sailing her. I own BRe number 003 so it's good (and amazing) to see that Matt has already made 10 times more BRes than when I bought mine!

Ex - BayCruiser 26 #11 "Bagpuss"
Ex - BayRaider Expedition #3 "Mallory"

Rob Johnstone

Rob J
Matt Newland designed but self built 15ft one off - "Lockdown". Ex BC23 #10 "Vagabond" and BC 23 # 54 "Riff Raff"

John Perry

Rob, may well do, certainly in my sights  :)
Bay Raider Expedition 030, "Moireach"

Ron Dunbar

Hi John,

I drove into Chester Services last Tuesday evening, and found myself parked beside a Bayraider Expedition. I ran off to the toilet, and came back to see if the new owner was about to chat to. Unfortunately I arrive to see the stern of Moireach disappearing into the distance! (Mine was the white Volvo parked next to you).
Welcome to the small band of Scottish Swallowboat owners, who appear to be few and far between.
Hopefully as our numbers rise, we might see a rally or two in Scotland.
In the mean time, if I can be of any help as an owner of an Expedition for 18 months, please message me.
Ron Dunbar

Devon Scaffie "Rainbow Terrier"

John Perry

Ron, that is a remarkable story, if only I had dallied over my sandwich! Thanks for your offer of support, I am sure I'll be needing plenty of advice as things progress. And yes, a Scottish rally would certainly be great to see. Any ideas where that could be?

Look forward to meeting some time, hopefully by a boat and not in a motorway car park.
Bay Raider Expedition 030, "Moireach"


Quote from: John Perry on 03 Jul 2014, 10:05

And yes, a Scottish rally would certainly be great to see. Any ideas where that could be?

Hi, John.
Congratulations on "Moireach". 
BayRaiders are damn good boats Always leading the field and first back to the pub where ever I meet them. (Oh! How I hate the B....y things!) however BR owners are usually pretty good at getting the beer in, so I can forgive them!

Location for a second Scottish Raid?  Why not Oban/ Loch Etive area?
I have no local knowledge but I'll bet the DCA and OGA Trailer Section members do.
Bit of a trek for them southlanders in Kent and Surrey but that's what Swallow Boats are built to do, innit.

Stick with the Forum for advice - good and bad.

No.1 Tip.
After launching in salt water a hose-down of the wheels is not enough.
If possible re-immerse the wheels in fresh water for 5 mins then  drive around until the hubs are dry. (Sealed bearings? Ha, Ha ! "Waterproof" is a relative term. "No need to go in over the hubs.. " say Matt Newland. True, but try telling the waves that!))
Fit new wheel bearings regularly     and     before any long trip,     especially if you rarely use the trailer.

Photo shows corrosion after one season. doesn't look too bad but the hub was grumbling, running hot and losing grease. You do not want the bearings collapsing half way down the Autostrada, do you!  (I always was a cheerful soul.)
Every time I launch I prop up the trailer and spin the wheels to check they are ok. Only takes a minute.
Tony:   CBL#1 "Four Sisters"