Wanted: Teifi Skiff

Started by Quentin Shaw, 17 Apr 2019, 14:14

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Quentin Shaw

Unfortunately Swallow no longer manufacture the Teifi Skiff, which is an ideal coastal rowing boat. Does anyone know of one which might be available for sale?
Quentin Shaw, Commodore of Shropshire Adventure Rowing Club

Matthew P

Hi Quentin
I know nothing about skiffs and almost nothing about rowing but I'm attracted by the Nigel Irens 14ft skiff currently featured in Practical Boat Owner as a kit-build:


Do you, or other knowledgeable person, think one of these would be suitable for leisurely rowing up the Dee with young family for picnics and occasional day-sailing on inland lakes?

And what sort of rig would they suggest? Michael - this is your opportunity to extol the virtues of a junk rig  ;D

Gladys need not worry, a rowing skiff is no substitute for a Bayraider.

Gladys BR20
"Hilda", CLC Northeast[er], home build, epoxy ply, balanced lug
Previously "Tarika", BR17, yard built, epoxy-ply, gunter rigged
and "Gladys" BR20, GRP, gunter