Sail Covers

Started by Peter Cockerton, 12 Mar 2012, 19:17

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Peter Cockerton

Just a quick note to mention a company that i used to make a jib sock, main sail cover with lazy jack cutouts and a mizzen sock for my bayraider. All made to measure and design which included my input. The jib sock has a full length zip down the side and loops on the top to haul it up with a halyard. My bermudan main cover will protect the sail when i leave the boat with the boom up and main flaked over it. The mizzen is a plain sock wider at the bottom than the top to take the additional sail and boom.

The cost was £250.00 for jib and main and £80.00 for the mizzen. The material seems to be very supple and durable with a beige colour which matches my spray hood exactly.

The company name is Walrus Fabrications and the contact name is Simon Elliott
he can be emailed on

This posting also takes of the annoying carpet cleaner spammer from the top of the list

Happy New Year to all

Bayraider 20 mk2
Larger jib set on bowsprit with AeroLuff spar
USA rig
Carbon Fibre main boom with sail stack pack
Epropulsion Spirit Plus Outboard

Graham W

I endorse Peter's recommendation of Walrus - good quality jib and mizzen socks (to Peter's design) for £200
Gunter-rigged GRP BR20 No.59 'Turaco III'

Tristram Mayhew

How is the mizzen cover fitted? Do you have to unstep the mizzen?

Graham W

Quote from: Tristram Mayhew on 18 May 2012, 11:30
How is the mizzen cover fitted? Do you have to unstep the mizzen?
Yes, it is the only way.  I usually only use it (and the jib cover, for that matter) if I am leaving the boat for a few days.
Gunter-rigged GRP BR20 No.59 'Turaco III'