Bayraider 17 kit price

Started by david doran, 17 Mar 2013, 21:27

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david doran

Hello, I was wondering approximately how much a Bayraider 17 kit costs?  There are no prices on the website. 

Thanks in advance for any replies, daveD

Anthony Huggett

        Always nice to hear from other potential BR17 builders.

        The original base price I was quoted was around £5000 before VAT and without the trailer, but that was in 2010. That's a lot more than the Storm 17 but having sailed Matt's BR17, my wife and I felt that it was well worth the extra. (The outboard well is better, the broad stern section makes for better planing, the water ballast makes it safer, etc.)

From memory the original bill was nearer £8000 because we bought the trailer and a few options that are hard to retrofit (spinnaker hardware, compass, rubbing strakes, 2nd rowing position).
So I would say depending on options and whether you want a trailer, think in terms of £6000 to £10000.

        Your best bet is always to contact Matt for a quote.


P.S.        I'm still enjoying the build (waiting for some slightly warmer weather to start painting).